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Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

"Mudik" and Apology

Representing the government, Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo apologized for inconveniences during mudik (annual exodus to hometowns to celebrate Idul Fitri) this year.

The 2016 Idul Fitri exodus sparked public anger, as seen on social media where netizens questioned the government's lack of preparations to manage this annual event. Severe traffic congestion lasting for hours at the East Brebes exit toll gate toward Tegal gave rise to travelers expressing great dissatisfaction with the government.

Expressions of public dissatisfaction were also triggered by the responses of a number of ministers, who seemed to deny the facts in the field. The communications made by these ministers were interpreted by the public as having little empathy for the struggle faced by mudik travelers. Several high-ranking officials were involved in a blame game as to the cause of the severe congestion. This is clearly unfavorable for the image of the government of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

We are grateful that the Home Minister represented the government to apologize for the inconveniences of the 2016 Idul Fitri exodus. If the apology had come earlier, it would surely have dampened public discontent. The minister made the apology on Saturday, July 9, after netizens had continuously criticized how the traffic had been managed. Severe congestion in Brebes took place three and two days before Idul Fitri.

Congestion is an undeniable part of this annual journey, which this year, however, was extraordinary at its peak. Travel between Jakarta and Solo took 44 hours. However, for travelers who had journeyed earlier, the Cipali toll road did indeed shorten traveling time.

The 2016 mudik should provide valuable evaluation input for the government, including on communicating with the public on the potential for severe congestion, such as that at the East Brebes exit toll gate at the peak of travel. Communication was one of the weak aspects of this government; there was no spokesman who could explain the conditions in the field in detail, including the reason for its cause. Factual events that took place in the field, including the deaths of a number of people during mudik, became merely text without any context to the government.

Ministers were late in anticipating the commotion in this digital democracy and argued among themselves without coordination. As a result, government communication was deemed weak by the public, as was the lack of anticipation of the severe congestion at the East Brebes exit toll gate, which became international news.

Source Kompas, Monday, July 11, 2016 
Indonesian version can be read here

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